Getting The Perfect Shots: Food Photoshoot with Honey

Honey is a great ingredient to work with. Not only does it add a sweet flavour to any dish, it's also a natural and versatile product that can be used in many different recipes. Here we had to shoot for a manuka honey brand.

When creating images for a honey brand, the subject is the most important part of the photoshoot. Images should be created to show off the honey’s unique colour, flavour, texture, and other properties that can help the brand stand out from competitors. We take into account the website or social media page where the photos will be used. By selecting subjects that are visually appealing to complent the honey, we can create images that showcase the honey brand in the best possible light.


We began the shoot by setting up a variety of shots to capture the honey's versatility. This included close-up shots of the honey on a white background, to be used for e-commerce purposes. Then we moved into styling the scenes for the rest of the shots. We began to experiment with different placements and props. With each adjustment, we worked hard to capture the true beauty of the honey products.


Honey food photoshoot for Sunhighlands Manuka Honey. Completed with perishable props such as bread and butter. For more on how we can create mouth watering images for your brand, check out our services page.


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