Native Australian Ingredients

Recently, I had the joy of photographing a new line of crackers infused with native Australian ingredients. The shoot was all about capturing these savory treats alongside colorful Australian flowers in a cozy setting.

The crackers were packed with Wattleseed, Rosemary, Chia, Old Man Saltbush, Parmesan, and Pepperleaf, each bringing its own unique taste. I set up a rustic scene with wooden pieces and dried leaves to complement the crackers and add texture.

When the native Australian flowers arrived, it was an exciting moment. Their vibrant colors brightened up the scene, adding a touch of nature's beauty to the shoot.

In the end, the photos perfectly showcased the crackers and their Aussie ingredients. From the earthy Rosemary to the tangy Pepperleaf, each flavor was captured in a way that made mouths water.

This project reminded me of the joy of food photography – it's not just about taking pictures but telling stories and celebrating flavours. I can't wait for more adventures like this in the future!


Restaurants Are Opened Again!