Dinner with Myself

On the day of the food shoot itself, it's a marathon of 8 hours! This includes setting up the scene and lighting, conducting test shots before the food is brought out, cooking and styling the dishes, meticulously arranging all items on the table, capturing multiple shots of the scene, and more.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg! Weeks prior to the shoot, there's extensive pre-planning involved: finding the perfect "table" for the scene, sourcing crockery and props, and purchasing all the necessary ingredients for the dishes.

Then comes the post-production phase, which entails merging multiple images to achieve optimal lighting for each part of the scene, adjusting saturation, color-grading, and tidying up the scene—among other tasks. There's also the challenge of seamlessly integrating different "hands" into the image.

Oh, and did you catch that all the "hands" belong to the same person? That's what happens when a shoot has to be conducted during lockdown, and the photographer is the sole individual allowed in the studio! ;)


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